Friday, October 26, 2007


What Oxford says about dance :

1. to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, esp. to the accompaniment of music.

2. to leap, skip, etc., as from excitement or emotion; move nimbly or quickly: to dance with joy.

3. to bob up and down: The toy sailboats danced on the pond. –verb (used with object)

4. to perform or take part in (a dance): to dance a waltz.

5. to cause to dance: He danced her around the ballroom.

6. to cause to be in a specified condition by dancing: She danced her way to stardom. –noun

7. a successive group of rhythmical steps or bodily motions, or both, usually executed to music.

8. an act or round of dancing; set: May I have this dance?

9. the art of dancing: to study dance.

10. a social gathering or party for dancing; ball: Was he invited to the dance?

11. a piece of music suited in rhythm or style to a particular form of dancing: He liked the composer's country dances.

12. Animal Behavior. a stylized pattern of movements performed by an animal, as a bird in courtship display, or an insect, as a honeybee in indicating a source of nectar.

13. the dance, ballet, interpretive dancing, and other dancing of an artistic nature performed by professional dancers before an audience.

What I think :

For points
1. A robot's analysis of dance
2. A robot's intepretation of dance

Well maybe the last part of point one is relevant:
"to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, esp. to the accompaniment of music. "
You cant say you are dancing when you are not dancing to any music/sound. So if you think you are dancing to counts, you are just acting.

The rest are not really important. I hope you skimmed past the other points :P

This is what I feel,

1. Dance cannot be explained/contained in just "D-A-N-C-E" Its more than the word can ever contain.

2. Interpretation of dance is ALWAYS subjective and hence cannot be accurately defined, only broadly

3. If you believe you are dancing, you are dancing. Wether it is accepted by the general population is another thing :)

4. Dancing is not about how you are moving, but why you are moving.

5. When the audience claps, you have their attention. When the audience laugh or cry, you know you have their hearts.

6. Dance does not bring people closer together, dancing does.

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